How to use your planner with GoodNotes

  1. Download your planner files to your iPad, phone, or tablet.
  2. Open the GoodNotes app on your iPad
  3. Click on Documents
  4. Click on "New"
  5. Click on "Import"
  6. Open whatever folder you have your planner in (I keep mine in DropBox)
  7. Select your planner & start upload
  8. Once uploaded, open it up and start using it! You can type right on the page, write with your finger or stylus, and even upload photos. Play around with it and see what works best for you!


We are so excited because this year we've separated these digital files, and added a Table Of Contents to each one! On this page, you can click on the section or month of your choice, and the file will jump to that page! We hope you love this new feature!

DON'T HAVE AN APPLE DEVICE? These planners should also work on One Note, Evernote, or Xodo!

Complete and Continue